Thursday, December 9, 2010

Legalization in TX?

Recently the Obama Administration implemented a new marijuana policy. Medical marijuana users and suppliers will not be arrested as long as they conform to state laws, and new policy guidelines. I came across a post regarding the logic of legalization in Texas and it caught my eye. In the begging, the author stated “Why do we need to make it all about sick people?” When the fact is the new policy is about finding ways to help sick people manage their illness, and pain in the most effective way possible without encountering problems with the law. 

Furthermore I do agree that a very small portion of marijuana is used to manage sickness. For example the author stated it bluntly themselves “I do want to get high…What’s it to you?” The majority of the people whom are supporting the legalization of marijuana movement have the same attitude. But don’t get the impression that they all are bad people or drug dealers. In the second paragraph the author states “We need to assert our freedom to engage in an activity that harms very few people and results in needless jail time and wasted tax dollars.” The author has a valid point, but only to a certain extent. One of our founding fathers of this nation Thomas Jefferson emphasized on “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness.” Some “stoners” believe legalizing marijuana is one step towards there pursuit of happiness and asserting their freedom. Then the author is deliberately naïve when comparing themselves to a cancer patient struggling with chemo-induced nausea. In the last paragraph the author mentioned prohibition. It’s unfortunate that they did not elaborate on it more. Due to the fact many years ago our nation was facing the same problem. But today’s substance is more momentous than alcohol. 

Overall the author made some valid statements, and even made some irrelevant/naive statements. The author also could have gone into more detail on some certain subjects. It’s obvious that the author supports the legalization of marijuana movement.

"Bring Books Not Guns"

In the past months there has been controversy across the state of Texas whether or not a student can carry a concealed gun on campus due to the recent shooting at the University of Texas. The passage of a campus carry bill during the 2011 Texas Legislative Session would amend state law so that individuals over the age of 21 who have undergone the training, testing, and extensive background checks required to obtain a state-issued concealed handgun license would be allowed to carry concealed handguns at state colleges. I watched Senator Don Patrick address the issue, and support his argument saying it would make the classroom a lot safer. I’m in shock that he even thinks this would be a logical decision if anything I believe it would make things worse. I also strongly agree with my colleague that students should not be allowed to carry guns on school campus. It wouldn’t make me feel any safer. It would actually make me more cautious of my surroundings. I also agree that the campus police officers are well trained but it might possibly a better decision to allow professors to carry a gun on campus then students. I also agree with my colleague there should be an emergency system such as mass texting. Or even better an emergency siren alarm system that would initiate a lock down instantly securing the classroom.